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Das Hintergrundbild zeigt eine Reihe von gesunden Zutaten für nierenfreundliche Gerichte.

Kidney-friendly nutrition made easy

Your Weekly Meal Plan in Minutes
Nutritious, Delicious, and Kidney-Friendly

Simple & diverse, despite Limitations

We help you make your diet kidney-friendly. Even with limitations, culinary diversity remains vast. We provide suggestions; you make the choice.

The screenshot of the mealy app for personalized, kidney-friendly recipe suggestions shows a weekly plan filled with delicious, kidney-friendly recipes that can be cooked in a short amount of time.
The screenshot of the mealy app for personalized, kidney-friendly recipe suggestions shows an overview of nutrients that are relevant for kidney health.
The screenshot of the mealy app for personalized, kidney-friendly recipe suggestions shows a breakfast recipe.

new recipes

Individual nutritional needs

Automated shopping list

Try it for free now:

Google Play Store Download Button for the mealy CKD app for personalized, kidney-friendly recipe suggestions
iOS App Store Download Button for the mealy CKD app for personalized, kidney-friendly recipe suggestions

9,99 $ monthly

Can be canceled monthly / 14-day trial period

Our tailor-made recipes and the nutrient report help you to implement complex nutritional advice effortlessly and adapt it to your individual needs (e.g. kidney function, age, other influencing factors such as diabetes). Regain simplicity, the joy of cooking and a better quality of life.

You will receive:

individual nutrient analysis​​

weekly nutrient report

Seasonal recipes tailored to you (60 recipes to choose from every week)

simple weekly planning

automated shopping list

share with family members

Why is nutrition so important for the kidneys?

Our kidneys filter all of our blood up to 300 times a day and dispose of waste products and excess fluid. Among other things, they regulate the acid-base balance, blood pressure and perform numerous vital functions.  

In chronic kidney disease (CKD), the kidneys are no longer able to efficiently filter and excrete waste products and excess fluid from the body. The right diet can help to reduce the burden on the kidneys and thus reduce the risk of complications such as cardiovascular disease, bone problems or kidney failure.

How do I eat kidney-friendly?

In order to provide the best possible support for our kidneys in chronic kidney disease (CKD), it is necessary to keep an eye on and adjust the consumption of certain nutrients.  We have summarized the current study situation, recommendations of the German Society of Nephrology and the German Nutrition Society for you. 


Here you will find the four most important rules at a glance:


Depending on the activity level and stage, the protein requirement is on average 0.8 g per kg body weight per day. This requirement is increased during dialysis.

The icon symbolizes a potassium atom.


As kidney function declines, it’s important to choose low-potassium vegetables and fruits to ensure that the daily maximum of 1,500 – 2,000 mg is not exceeded.


If kidney disease affects bone metabolism and phosphate levels rise, a low-phosphate diet will help your bone health. The maximum daily phosphate intake is 0.6 – 1 g.

Water & Salt

The amount to drink is usually between 1.5 – 2 liters per day. A reduction may be recommended in the case of cardiac insufficiency, water retention and depending on urine excretion. The less salt you eat, the less thirsty you will be.

General healthy diet

In general, it is good for your health to follow the general rules of a healthy diet. The “Planetary Health Guidelines” are particularly recommended. 

Special influencing factors

There are many special factors that influence our diet. Some are voluntary, for example if you have opted for a vegan diet, others are involuntary, for example if your blood lipid levels are too high or you have diabetes. With our individual nutrient analysis, you can find out exactly what you need.

Our team

We work on an interdisciplinary basis with a team of experts in the fields of nephrology, nutritional science and nutritional therapy. In addition to more than 20 years of experience and thousands of people we have already been able to support with their nutrition, we are constantly attending specialist conferences in order to actively participate in the latest scientific developments.


In addition to our professional expertise, what is most important to us is the interpersonal aspect and the personal connection with our customers. A smile and a light atmosphere help on the way to optimal nutrition. We look forward to getting to know you.

Improving your quality of life

Enjoying food

Prevention of complications

Improvement of kidney function

Increase in

Das Hintergrundbild zeigt eine Reihe von gesunden Zutaten für nierenfreundliche Gerichte.

Take your health into your own hands, try mealy for free.

Start today and eat delicious and kidney-friendly food at the same time.

Google Play Store Download Button for the mealy CKD app for personalized, kidney-friendly recipe suggestions
iOS App Store Download Button for the mealy CKD app for personalized, kidney-friendly recipe suggestions
  • Do I have to disclose my data to use mealy?
    No, you can start exploring the app right away. We do not collect or link any personal data that could be used to identify you. In order to adapt the recipes to your needs, we simply ask a few health-related questions. These are of course not passed on to third parties.
  • Is mealy free?
    You can enjoy mealy for free for 14 days. After this time, we offer the app for 9.99 $ per month. We firmly believe that we should not finance ourselves through advertising or the sale of data. Therefore, your contribution enables us to keep the app up to date with the latest scientific findings and to continue to develop it. If you have ideas for features that you would like to use, please contact us at .
  • How are the recipes selected?
    Every week you will receive 60 new recipes to choose from. The recipes are suggested based on your individual nutritional needs, seasonality and variance. Our selection aims to provide kidney-friendly meals that are not only healthy, but also tasty and varied.

Do you have any further questions?

Please contact us directly!

“Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing.” - Arthur Schopenhauer

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Try mealy for free

Discover the power of kidney-friendly nutrition

Google Play Store Download Button for the mealy CKD app for personalized, kidney-friendly recipe suggestions
iOS App Store Download Button for the mealy CKD app for personalized, kidney-friendly recipe suggestions
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